Weekly Challenge #169 …. Circles

The Diva Challenge began today, which is Memorial Day here in the USA.

A little tidbit about me …. I was born in Trail, BC, Canada, but moved to the US when I was about five years old.  My father was a professional hockey player so we went from Vancouver to Seattle to Portland to San Diego during his playing career.  Even though I’ve lived in the States since I was five, I only became a naturalized US Citizen seven years ago!  That was about forty-some years of being a Canadian living in the USA (legally of course!).  I have my red, white and blue to fly on special days like today so thought it an appropriate backdrop for my “Circle” tile this week.

As always, check out the Diva’s website to see all the creative pieces made by others this week for Challenge #169.


8 Comments on “Weekly Challenge #169 …. Circles

  1. I love your info about yourself and so glad you decided to official become American now I may be a little bias but I do think the ol USA is bout the very best! I love your tile it’s clean and crisp and just perfect for this week


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